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Meringue production line needs to install the equipment

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The Meringue production line resistance measurement method is often used to check whether the line is connected or not, whether there is a short circuit between two points, whether the circuit board is shorted to the ground, and is also commonly used as a check when it is impossible to judge whether the components in the circuit are damaged. The simple method of components, in the test, the Meringue production line can not be found to be different when using the voltage measurement method. The cause of the fault is the short circuit of the resistance.

Meringue production line

When the emitter-base of the transistor is still short-circuited, one end of the resistor can be soldered off the circuit board, and the hot air is circulated for 3D baking. The imported original parts are used for precise temperature control, and the inner chamber of the furnace is made of aluminum silicate glass fiber insulation cotton for heat preservation. Well, when the emitter-base of the transistor is still short-circuited, one end of the resistor can be soldered off from the circuit board, and then measure the resistance value of the resistor, and then measure the resistance value of the resistor.

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