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Mango Cheese Cake Production line supplier

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Do you really know how to make mango cheesecake? Cheese Cake Production line supplier Xiaobian will take you to find out.
1. Materials
110g Oreo biscuits, 50g butter, 233g mascarpone cheese, 90g milk, 67g caster sugar, 300g fresh mango, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 200g animal whipped cream, 20g fish gelatin powder, 10g chopped cashew nuts (individual Taste as appropriate).
Second, the production method
1. Prepare the Oreo cookie base first. Gently twist the Oreo cookies, the cookies are separated from the cream in the middle, and use a knife to remove the cream. Save the crumble for garnish.
2. Crush the biscuits into pieces. Heat butter until melted. Pour into the biscuits and mix well.
3. Spread it into the bottom of the cake mold, flatten it, and refrigerate it until it takes shape.
4. Pour the isinglass powder into a bowl, add half of the milk, let it sit for a while, so that the isinglass powder can fully absorb the water
5. Heat the mascarpone cheese and sugar over water to soften and beat until smooth. Then add mango pulp, lemon juice, remaining milk and mix well.
6. At this time, the fish gelatin powder has fully absorbed the moisture of the milk, and then heated and stirred continuously until it is liquid.
7. Pour into the mango cheese paste. Mix well and refrigerate. The degree to which the cream can keep the texture.
8. Mix the whipped cream with the cheese mango paste, and turn from the bottom to the top.
9. Pour into a mold with a cookie base, smooth it out, and refrigerate. It can be demolded in about 4 hours. When demoulding, cover the mold with a hot towel for a while, or blow it with a hair dryer for a while, the cake will not stick to the edges.
10. Sprinkle with chopped cream and chopped cashew nuts, a touch of nutty aroma.
The above is the editor of Cheese Cake Production line supplier: Introduction to the production method of mango cheese cake.